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After graduating from Telecom Paristech I started working at McLloyd, which is where I've been for the past five years. McLloyd is a company developing tracking systems for sport teams and racing events, especially horse racing.

Early in my tenure at McLloyd I was responsible for developing the company’s algorithms to process positional, inertial and physiological data. The objective of the algorithms was to provide meaningful indicators to coaches, athletes, and media outlets. My career evolved into managing internal research and development activities, deploying our systems for new clients, monitoring operational activities, consolidating intellectual property, and getting funds to support our own investments.

I always want to get involved in great projects that simplify and enhance human life and environment.

Please don't hesitate to reach out!

Work experience


McLloyd is the only company to offer centimetric accuracy in GPS sport trackers, filling the needs of the highest professional standards.”

Over the past years at McLloyd (since Nov. 2016), I've had the chance to get involved in many of the company's activities. I've been happy to see my responsibilities continuously evolve towards a multifaceted and strategic role of deputy director.

Real time data processing algorithms development, among which:

- Live GPS and inertial data processing algorithm for performance monitoring
- Heart rate monitoring algorithm
- Live GPS data processing algorithm for providing smart racing indicators for TV overlays, performance reports and data analysis

Successfull launch of HPV1 system for horse racing during Prix d'Amérique 2018 in Vincennes, and HPV2 during Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe 2019
Go to market of STV3 tracking system for team sports and athletes in 2017, and STV4 in 2019

Athlete using McLloyd's STV4 system

Research, development and innovation coordination:

- Project management: monitoring and testing through the developement of the company's tracking systems, handling communication link with clients
- Product management: designing the company's apps and follow their development
- Intellectual property: preparing and monitoring patent filing
- Financing the company's activities through innovation competitions, innovation programs and research tax credit (CIR)

Filing of 5 patents
Various fundings and awards: H2020 phase 1 (European commission), PIA-3 (BPI), PMup (Ile de France Region), ...
Launch of 3 new software apps

Deployment of McLloyd's tracking system on 40 racecourses in France and operations management:

- Deployment on the racecourses, client communication
- Defining operationnal processes
- Recruiting, teaching and managing a team of 6 operators

Successfull proof of concept, and contract for tracking all Premium Galop races in France
Successfull deployment of HPV2 system on 40 racecourses

Race analysis thanks to McLloyd's data

Inernational prospection:

- Answering RFPs (Request for Proposal)
- Preparing and coordinating PoCs (Proof of Concept)
- Redacting technical documentation



Project management and business development, Paris (France), March 2015 - Aug. 2015

Soundsgood* unleashes the power of playlists across all music platforms with an innovative curation service for influencers. Everyday Soundsgood helps them reach new audiences and share their passion of music with universal playlists that anyone can listen to.”

The main goal of this internship was to develop my soft skills and get involved in the growth of a startup. I really liked the ideas behind the creation of Soundsgood and I was very happy to embark in this adventure for 6 months.

*Soundsgood was recently acquired by music distribution firm Believe.


Improving the user experience
Leading the company internationalization process
Managing a team of summer interns
Leading a partnership with a communication agency


Audio DSP R&D, Toulouse (France), Sept. 2014 - Feb. 2015

AudioGaming is a company developing next generation audio tools for sound designers and video game developers. We propose innovative solutions based on cutting-edge procedural audio research developed both internally and in partnership with internationally recognized laboratories.”

My responsibilities during this R&D internship were to build algorithms to automatically transcribe A-cappella or drum recordings to MIDI files (Groove Extractor). This required a lot of signal processing experiments as well as a machine learning background. It was a very interesting mission that helped me develop my programming skills and research methodologies.

Groove Extractor was out soon after the end of my intership.


State of the art
Algorithm research and development (Python)
Evaluation and testing
Software development (C++)

ASG Casting, Inc.

Summer internship, Los Angeles (USA), 2013

ASG casting, inc. is a full service casting company for commercials, television, web-based, and new media content. ”

Over the summer 2013 I had the chance to discover and immerse in the activities of a casting company. I for example remember the casting of actors and extras for this commercial, from hosting the participants to watching their performance and debriefing with the team.


Telecom ParisTech.

French engineering school, Paris (France), Sept. 2012 - June 2016

After a two 2-year intensive scientific preparatory class to French "Grandes Ecoles", I studied in this top rank French engineering school and got my master’s degree in Telecommunications. I first learnt the basics of telecommunications engineering, and then majored in digital signal processing.

Main topics

Audio and speech DSP
Software programming

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.

International academic exchange, Madrid (Spain), Sept. 2015 - Feb. 2016

As part of my studies at Telecom Paristech, I had the opportunity to spend one year in Madrid for the Erasmus European exchange program. A large range of courses were available, from telecommunication to biomedical engineering. I ran my Spanish experience 100%, living with Spanish people, following all engineering courses and running an academic project in Spanish. I also joined the female rugby team with some school mates.

Main topics

Multimedia and biomedical image processing
Machine learning
Signal processing

Academic projects.

"Unsupervised human activity recognition using smartphone inertial sensor" (2016)

The goal of this project developped at the UPM (Madrid) was to build an unsupervised clustering system of human activities using smartphone sensors, based on speech processing algorithms used to solve the "cocktail party" problem: ie. finding how many people are taking part in a conversation, who is speaking and when. The system developed at the speech processing research department of the UPM uses specific feature extraction techniques (MFCC, PLP, ...) and a clustering system based on hidden Markov models and Gaussian mixtures. My main job was to handle and evaluate the original speech processing system on the training database for human activities recognition and suggest relevant adaptations and improvements.

"Air DJ" (2013)

Our team of 7 students built a software which plays and controls music in response to the user’s hand movement, using a Kinect. My job was to manage the main architecture of the software in Java and integrate each part of the software my teammates developed (audio streamer, hand movement recognition,…).

"Industrie musicale : l’avenir du disque a l’ère du numérique" (2013)

I wrote a study about the music market and its recent mutations. To write this folio I made researches and interviewed some actors of the music industry: musicians, record store managers… I questioned the future of some music formats (cds, vinyl) and tried to look for the balance the industry would possibly find.


I have always been a big music listener and digger. From the 60s to nowadays. I sometimes explore the web to find golden tunes and artists. I used to run a blog where I reviewed albums and concerts. I am 50% digital lover and 50% reactionary, taking care of my cd and vinyl shelves. I often go seeing my favorite artists live.

I am also a musician in my spare time. I have been playing the violin for over 20 years. I also like to play the guitar once in a while.

Scorcese’s Mean Streets is my absolute favorite movie. I am also into some Coen Brothers works, and some French directors.

I watch American TV shows, The Office is my number one, but I also enjoyed Parks and Recreation, Community,...

I read a lot of comics, from japanese classics (Taniguchi, Abe) to french delights (Sattouf, Trondheim, Fabcaro) and graphic novels.

I can be quite curious and interested about a lot of other subjects, like new technologies, design, photography, ...

Raymond Depardon

I practice sports regularly, whether it’s swimming, yoga, cycling or fitness. I also played rugby and tennis for a few years. I am interested in a lot of sports. Some athletes inspire me and I like to follow their accomplishments. I am espacially a fan of Track and Field.

I've had the pleasure to be the mentor of a group of 4 students to help them during their 2-year intensive scientific class. I also taught English, mathematics, physics and computer science to a few young students. Pedagogy seemed to me like a quite hard task but it was really motivating to follow the students’ results and their accomplishments.

I sew in my spare time. I make some works on my own like handbags, backpacks, embroidery, simple clothes.

I make genealogy researches, which imerses me into the history of my ancestors and my region, Périgord.